Silent Sea Productions
SS 001
Beatles Attack of the Filler Beebs, Episode One,
1998, USA
SSEP.02 Beatles
The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl
SS 002
Beatles Attack of the Filler Beebs, Episode Two,
1998, USA
SS 003
Beatles Attack of the Filler Beebs, Episode
Three, 1998, USA
SS ???
Beatles Attack of the Filler Beebs, Episode Four,
1998, USA
SS 004
Beatles Kinfauns
SS 005
Beatles Anthropology, 72:59
SS 006
Beatles Farewell To Clubland - The Best of The
Star-Club Tapes, December 1962
007/8 Beatles Pepperland, 2 CD
SS 010
Beatles The Beatles In Concert: Philadelphia,
02-09-64 + Indianapolis, 03-09-64
011-14 Beatles White Sessions, 4CD
SS-015.V2 Beatles
The Beatles in Concert: Shea Stadium + Atlanta
SS 017 Beatles
Beatles in Concert: Houston
SS 022
Beatles Telecasts 4
023/24 Beatles Revolving /The Evolution of Revolver, 2
hours, 56 tracks/ 2CD
SS 025
Beatles The
Beatles In Concert: Empire Theatre, Liverpool, 07-12-63
+ Washington Coliseum, Washington, 11-02-64
SS 026 Beatles The
Beatles In Concert: San Francisco, 66-08-29 + London, 69-01-30
028-29 Beatles Last Year, 2CD
SS 031 Beatles The
Beatles In Concert: Copenhagen, 64-06-04 + Adelaide, 64-06-12
SS-034 Beatles
The Beatles In Concert: Vancouver, 64.08.22 + Los
Angeles 64.08.23
035-36 Beatles Songs
for Eleanor, 2CD
SS 037
Beatles More Songs for
038-39 Beatles Dead
Mans Walkman, 2CD
041-42 Beatles
Please Me Do, 2000, 2CD
SS 046 Beatles
Beatles in Concert: Paris
SS 047/048 Beatles
Beatles in Concert: Hamburg, 2CD
SS-49/50 Beatles
The Beatles In Concert: Addendum One, 2CD
SS-51/52 Beatles
The Beatles In Concert: Addendum Two, 2CD
SS-053-56 Beatles
Pop Go To The Beatles, 4CD
057-58 Beatles One Before 911, 2CD
060-61 Beatles Hard
Days & Nights, 2CD
SS 062-63 Beatles
Every Little Thing Making the Beatles For Sale
album & single, 2CD
SS-064 Beatles
Stereo65 Capitol Help! & UK Rubber Soul
SS 067-68 Beatles Magical Mystical Boy, 2CD
SS 069-70 Beatles Strawberry Lane, 2CD
SS 076-77 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 1, 2CD
SS 078 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 2
SS 079 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 3
SS 080 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 4
SS 081 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 5
SS 082 Beatles Home Tapes: Volume 6
SS 000
Beatles The Beatles Complete - September To
December 21, 1962
SS 000
Beatles The Beatles Complete - December 25, 1962
to January 22 (a), 1963
SS 000 Beatles The Beatles Complete, Volume One, July 6 1957-May 1960
/Part 1/ May 1960 - June 24 1961 /Part 2/ 2CD
SS 000
Beatles The Beatles Complete - January 1 to September 5, 1962